c code for stack using one queue only

  • cstackqueue
  • write a c code for stack using one queue only

    Given one queue data structure. WAP to implement stack using only one queue data structure.


    #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> struct Node { int data; struct Node *next; }; struct Node *f = NULL; struct Node *r = NULL; struct Node *tp = NULL; void Display(struct Node *ptr) { printf("Elements of this linked list\n"); while (ptr != NULL) { printf("Element: %d\n", ptr->data); ptr = ptr->next; } } int isEmpty(struct Node *top) { if (top == NULL) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } int isFull(struct Node *top) { struct Node *p = (struct Node *)malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); if (p == NULL) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } void enqueue(int val) { struct Node *n = (struct Node *)malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); if (n == NULL) { printf("Queue is Full"); } else { n->data = val; n->next = NULL; if (f == NULL) { f = r = n; } else { r->next = n; r = n; } } } int dequeue() { int val = -1; struct Node *ptr = f; if (f == NULL) { printf("Queue is Empty\n"); } else { f = f->next; val = ptr->data; free(ptr); } return val; } void push(int val) { if (isFull(tp)) { printf("Stack Overflow! Cannot push %d to the Stack\n", val); } else { if (tp == NULL) { enqueue(val); tp = f; } else { enqueue(val); struct Node *ptr = f; while (ptr->next->next != NULL) { ptr = ptr->next; } struct Node *n = ptr->next; ptr->next = NULL; r=ptr; n->next = f; f = n; tp = f; } } } int pop() { int x = dequeue(); return x; } int main() { push(34); push(4); push(7); push(17); Display(tp); printf("Dequeuing element %d\n", pop()); printf("Dequeuing element %d\n", pop()); printf("Dequeuing element %d\n", pop()); printf("Dequeuing element %d\n", pop()); return 0; }